MALDI-TOF-MS Automated sample preparation for uHTS
MALDI-TOF-MS Sample Preparation
Clear advantages for your MALDI-TOF-MS application
- Parallel sample transfers of 96, 384 and 1536 samples with the CyBio Well vario
- No interference thanks to intelligent washing routines
- Homogeneous target spots through automated drying
- Highly accurate spotting for reliable, automated analyses
- Software for higher-level process planning of spotting, matrix feeding and washing and drying processes
Several hundred thousand MALDI samples per run
Our automation solutions, specially developed for MALDI-MS applications, accelerate your research. Process several hundred thousand samples fully automatically in a single run. We offer you real walk-away solutions that provide you with highly reproducible, reliable results while saving you valuable time and money.
uHTS integration for MALDI-TOF-MS
Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization Time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) and ultra-high throughput (uHTS) now go hand in hand. Benefit from the fastest MALDI-TOF-MS system solution on the market: the Bruker Rapiflex MALDI-TOF-MS and automation solutions for sample preparation from Analytik Jena. Whether simple workstation or complex integration – MALDI-TOF-MS applications are diverse and each have special requirements. Analytik Jena offers you fully automated solutions that adapt flexibly to your needs. The spotting of up to 1536 samples on a MALDI plate in less than 10 minutes is possible.
Very small volumes and homogeneous MALDI spots
One sample transfer, 1536 identical spots: The CyBio Well vario pipetter ensures sample integrity and reproducible results through parallel spotting of a complete MALDI target plate.
MALDI sample cleaning – no more interference
The integrated washing routines desalinate the samples and reduce the risk of interference. This leads to significantly better assay conditions and measurement results. With the CyBio Well vario, 1536 samples can be cleaned in parallel in less than 60 seconds.
Active drying for homogeneous MALDI spots
The more homogeneous the individual MALDI spots are, the higher the subsequent analysis quality. Active drying is therefore integrated into our automation solutions for MALDI sample preparation. It ensures controlled crystallization conditions and thus highly uniform spots.
No sample carry-over thanks to intelligent accessories
In order to avoid possible sample carry-over, the cleaning of the pipette tips between the spotting of different assay plates is crucial. You can therefore optionally equip your CyBio Well vario with an automated peak washing station. Both 384 and 1536 well formats can be cleaned in this way. Thanks to highly efficient washing routines, cross-contamination is hardly detectable after just three washing cycles.
Modular and tailor-made solutions
Thanks to the modular design of individual components, you can freely configure the degree of automation. In addition to the Liquid Handling portfolio, Analytik Jena also offers individual automation solutions tailored to your needs.
Software is the key element of automation. Our powerful and scalable software packages enable detailed control of all components of maldi-TOF-MS sample preparation as well as simple process planning. With our software, you can prepare your samples in the same time that the mass spectrometer analyzes them – in less than 10 minutes. You can analyze up to one million samples in less than five days. This is made possible by a sophisticated software architecture and an efficient planning concept.
- CyBio Composer
- CyBio Scheduler
- CyBio AppStudio
Comparison of air drying and active drying of samples
The active drying of the samples has a significant effect on the quality of the later analysis. The following comparison images illustrate how you can generate more homogeneous and thus higher quality spots with active drying of the MALDI-TOF-MS samples.